News 2014
Sunday 23rd February. Southern Golden Retriever Society Championship Show.
Lovissa Lily Sparkles was placed 3rd in Graduate bitch and Putjade Pink Diamonds for Lovissa JW was placed 3rd in Minor Limit bitch under judge Mrs Sue Russell.
Sunday 9th March. CRUFTS Champioship Dog Show.
Lovissa Pink Fizz was short listed to the last 6 of 23 bitches in Undergraduate.
Putjade Pink Diamonds for Lovissa JW was placed Reserve in a lovely Limit Bitch Class under judge Mrs Lynn Hennessey.
But the star of the day was Lovissa Chance of Diamonds JW who was placed 1st in Graduate Dog and made us all and his owners very very proud.

Lovissa Chance of Diamonds JW winning at CRUFTS.
Saturday 12th April. Golden Retriever Club of Scotland Championship Show.
Lovissa Chance of Diamonds JW was placed 1st in Post Graduate dog under judge Vicky Clarke (Ousevale)
Putjade Pink Diamonds for Lovissa JW was placed 3rd in Limit Bitch under judge MRs Viv Jones (Ninell)
Sunday 13th April. North West Golden Retriever Club Championship Show.
Lovissa Chance of Diamonds JW was placed 3rd in Post Graduate dog under judge, Miss Sarah Wood.
July was a very sad time for us here. We had to say goodbye to our lovely old man Lennon. He lost the use of his back legs and we could see him suffer no longer and the dreaded decision was made to give him sleep. He will leave a huge hole in our hearts and home. Sweet dreams my darling boy, together with Oscar once more. xxxx
Sunday 27th July. The Golden Retriever Club Championship Show. Putjade Pink Diamonds for Lovissa JW was placed 3rd in Limit bitch under judge, Mrs Fiona Coward Scholes.
Saturday 23rd August. Scottish Kennel Club Championship Show. Putjade Pink Diamonds for Lovissa JW was placed 1st in Limit Bitch and awarded the CC, under judge, Mrs Sue Ross (Sokenlea).
We are absolutely delighted ;))
Wednesday 15th October, Gundog Society of Wales Championship Show.Thornywait Crackerjack at Lovissa made his debut and was placed 3rd in Minor Puppy Dog at his very first show and qualified for Crufts 2015 🙂
Lovissa Chance of Diamonds JW returned after almost 6 months out of the ring and won Post Graduate dog. Our thanks to judge, Mr Dave Mannings. (Gatchells)
Sunday 16th November, Berkshire Downs and Chilterns Golden Retriever club Championship Show.
Lovissa a Chance of Diamonds JW was placed 1st in Post Graduate dog under judge, Mrs Christine Ashton. (Willowlawn)
Sunday 23rd November. The Golden Retriever club Open Show.
Lovissa Chance of Diamonds JW was placed 1st in Post Graduate dog, then went on to win Best Dog and finally Best In Show. We are so proud 🙂
Thanks to the judge Mrs Pauline Leonard (wynrita)
Sunday 14th December. LKA Championship Show. Lovissa Chance of Diamonds was placed 2nd in Post Graduate dog and Lovissa Pink Fizz, owned by Margaret and Colin, and handled By Louise was placed 3rd In Post Graduate bitch and qualifies for Crufts 2015 under judge, Penny Williams (Bournehouse) .
Well done to all 🙂