Show Champion Thornywait Crackerjack at Lovissa

Sire: Dutch CH House Calls VD Beerse Heove
Dam: Thornywait Pixie Crunch JW
Whelped: 2nd April 2014
Eyes clear, GR PRA1 and 2 Genetically Clear. ICT Clear.
Ronnie at 9 months old. Thanks to Lillah for the picture.
Ronnie is our new hopeful. He arrived after the sadness of Lottie losing her pups to a pyo and he filled a great hole in our hearts. Shortly after his arrival we lost Lennon so he has helped us through a lot of heartache and is a special boy.
A great nephew of Loola and directly related to all of our girls.
He will hopefully make his debut in the show ring in the autumn.
Show Champion
CRUFTS qualified 2015 at just 6 months old.
CRUFTS 2017 Qualified.
Championship Show 1st prize Winner.
Kennel Club Stud Book Number
CRUFTS qualified for life
Pedigree |
Parents | GrandParents | GreatGrandParents |
House Calls VD Beerse Heove
Aust Ch Larbellah Team Leader |
Aust Ch Acacian Special Event |
Aust Ch Giltedge Angel Dust | ||
Multi Ch Gargamella VD Beerse Heove |
Multi Ch Team Spirit of Glen Sheallag |
Milkyway VD Beerse Heove | ||
DAM Thornywait Pixie Crunch JW |
Multi Ch Ritzilyn Rick o Shay |
Sh Ch Ritzilyn Brandon JW |
Sh Ch Pearlbarn Periwinkle of Ritzilyn JW |
Sh Ch Putjade Party Pingla at Thornywait JW |
Swe Ch Floprym Rivaldo |
Putjade Paint the Town Red |