News 2015
Sunday 17th February, The Golden Retriever Club of Wales Championship Show. Lovissa Chance of Diamonds JW was placed 2nd in Post Graduate dog under judge, Mrs Sue Pounds Longhurst (Mossburn)
Thursday 5th March. CRUFTS Championship Dog Show.
Putjade Pink Diamonds for Lovissa JW was placed Reserve in a Limit bitch class of 30 entries under judge, Mrs Paula Edwards (Lovehayne)
Lovissa Chance of Diamonds JW was placed VHC in a large Post Graduate dog class under judge Mrs Sandra Birkin-Green (Sansue)

Loola popping up to show off her rosette 🙂

Loola in her class at Crufts.
Sunday 15th March. South Western Golden Retriever Club Championship Show.
Putjade Pink Diamonds for Lovissa JW was placed 1st in Open Bitch. Her daughter, Lovissa Lily Sparkles was placed 3rd in a lovely Post Graduate bitch class and qualifies for CRUFTS 2016, and her son, Lovissa Chance of Diamonds was placed 2nd in a large Post Graduate dog class. Thanks to the judges Mrs Mary Neil (Moloko) and Mr Derek Lade (Mantondean/Hunterdean)
Sunday 12th April. North West Golden Retriever Club Championship Show.
Lovissa Lily Sparkles was placed VHC in Limit bitch and Putjade Pink Diamonds for Lovissa JW was placed 2nd in Open bitch, under judge, Mrs Beryl Stokes (Jobeka)
Saturday 23rd May. Bath Championship Show.
Lovissa Space Dust made his debut and won Minor Puppy Dog and Best Dog Puppy in breed 🙂 Qualifying for Crufts 2016 in style at his very first attempt. we are very proud :))
Putjade Pink Diamonds for Lovissa JW was placed 2nd in Open bitch under judge, Mrs Sue Towers (Alibren)

Buddy Winning his class at Bath.
Saturday 27th June, Blackpool Championship Dog Show.
Lovissa Chance of Diamonds JW was placed 1st in Post Graduate dog and shortlisted to the last 4 in the challenge for the Dog CC.
Lovissa Love Hearts was placed 2nd in Minor Puppy bitch and qualifies for Crufts 2016 under judge Mrs Zena Thorne-Andrews.
Both of our Dora/Artie babies are now Crufts qualified at 7 months old 🙂

Chance winning his class at Blackpool, not the best photo as it was taken on my phone.

Poppy looking very pleased with herself 🙂
Saturday 4th July. Windsor Championship Show.
Lovissa Love Hearts was placed Reserve in Minor Puppy bitch and Lovissa Chance of Diamonds JW won a really lovely Post Graduate dog class. This is his last win in Post Grad and he now goes up to Limit with the big boys!!
Thanks to the judge, Mrs Hilary Male (Malenbrook)
Sunday 19th July. The Golden Retriever Club Championship Show.
Lovissa Love Hearts was placed 2nd in Minor Puppy bitch under judge, Mrs Val Tregaskis. (Steval)
Sunday 13th September. Richmond Championship Show.
Putjade Pickpocket JW ShCM was placed 3rd in Veteran dog and Lovissa Love Hearts was placed Reserve in Puppy Bitch, under judge, Miss Sue Porter (Shearstone)
Sunday 27th September. Eastern Counties Golden retriever club championship show.
Lovissa Chance of Diamonds JW was placed 3rd in Mid Limit dog under Mrs Margaret woods (Amirene)
Putjade Pink Diamonds for Lovissa JW was placed 2nd in Open bitch and Lovissa Lily Sparkles was placed 2nd in Limit bitch. This win gives Lily her Kennel Club Stud Book number and qualifies her for Crufts for life. So proud of her 🙂
Thanks to the judge, Mrs Pauline Wilson (Pearlbarn)

Lily winning her Stud book Number.

Loola winning 2nd in her class.
Thanks to Paul Seamons for both photographs.
Sunday 4th October. Yorkshire Golden Retriever Club Open Show. Putjade Pickpocket JW ShCM was placed 1st in Veteran Dog, then awarded Best Dog. He then delighted us further and went on to win Best Opposite Sex and Best Veteran in Show. Huge thanks to the judge, Miss Michelle Fascione (Goldrealm) for a fabulous day 🙂
Unfortunately we had to make the dreaded decision to give Peaches sleep. The cancer had spread and she was beginning to suffer. Her body could no longer do the things she’s always loved and we knew it was time. We will miss her every day but know she is now pain free and back with her family. Run free my beautiful girl xxxx
Wednesday 28th October, United Retriever Club Open Show.
Thornywait Crackerjack at Lovissa was placed 1st in Yearling Dog, his first show for almost a year 🙂
Lovissa Lily Sparkles was placed 1st in Open Bitch under judge, Mrs Liz Fisher (Palizolla)